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Trees Popping


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I have an issue about tree popping when changing from LOD as I approach them, and in the moment i star to mod the game with textures is getting worse


I have a decent game PC, with an 980 4G, so it should take it better IMO


I do not know if that can be an issue, I am playing at 4k, but because at the moment i miss a cable (DP) i can play at 4K but at 30HZ refreshing rate, Can be worsen the popping issue (also grass) and also as i start to mod with textures there is a noticeable lag, not playing but for textures and even objects


The lag feels like i have at the place (only in exteriors) too soon, and after a second or two, the textures load. Also when i start to mod with textures (mid-heavy modding) sometimes, not all the time, the screen freezes for a second and then continues as normal


Have you guts any advice or a tweak i can do in inis or something, BTW, i do not use ENB preset, only the basic ENBoost



Edited by Richardo11
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It could be, but i should be ok with an i7 5820K (6x2) at 3.30HZ (not OC), I don't remember now exactly but with monitor performance the was far from straining the cpu


makes sense what you say, i will keep an eye on it, but I wonder if could be another "thing" causing the lag

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Your cpu might be strained. Skyrim won't use more tham 2 cores, hence it relies on cpu high clock speed. Though quad core models will help with Enb setups. Use monitoring tool to determine, if one of your cores is maxing when loading uGrids.

Try reducing shadow distance, as they are cpu bound.

You can make Skyrim balance the load on different threads you can have 2 dedicated threads for AI and 2 dedicated threads for Rendering + another 4 threads for the rest.

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Your cpu might be strained. Skyrim won't use more tham 2 cores, hence it relies on cpu high clock speed. Though quad core models will help with Enb setups. Use monitoring tool to determine, if one of your cores is maxing when loading uGrids.

Try reducing shadow distance, as they are cpu bound.

You can make Skyrim balance the load on different threads you can have 2 dedicated threads for AI and 2 dedicated threads for Rendering + another 4 threads for the rest.


This sounds nice in theory, but in my experience in practice it's almost useless. I've tried this .ini tweak while monitoring my cpu and 2 cores were still maxing while 1 wasn't doing anything, 1 barely did anything and that's with cpu's cores idling disabled in the bios during the test.

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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yeah Skyrim thread optimization is pretty bad but what you would always like to do is have AI in one physical core and Rendering in a different one.


Still all the windows and other application processes get shuffled and squeezed into the cores with most load. Trying to assign those non skyrim processes manually doesn't work good enough to bother with. I'm hoping that Remastered version (after modding catches up to it), will be the answer to all our problems.

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Your cpu might be strained. Skyrim won't use more tham 2 cores, hence it relies on cpu high clock speed. Though quad core models will help with Enb setups. Use monitoring tool to determine, if one of your cores is maxing when loading uGrids.

Try reducing shadow distance, as they are cpu bound.

You can make Skyrim balance the load on different threads you can have 2 dedicated threads for AI and 2 dedicated threads for Rendering + another 4 threads for the rest.



I have been reading from known modders and people like STEP that [TREADS...] are not good to use, but i will like to give it a try, can you post your tweaks?


I also remember about app for unpark cores but i am not sure about......

Edited by Richardo11
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