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Automatron: New parts.......Maybe some new bots too?


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Greetings Nexus community


My request is related to automatron, It is one of my favorite six dlc's for FO4. But the real reason for this thread is its potential, Now we can customize robots, switch parts, new armors for them.......BUT! What of new limbs? That's right I'm talking about new legs, arm weapons that take up the whole arm slot (no hands like rail cannons and missile batterys). One good example of robots (okay kinda robots.....THEY LOOK THE PART!) is from the Metal Gear series. I request a modder or modding team to make new robot limbs and animations for them, pictures below for references.



PS. couldn't figure out how to upload pictures on here so they will be in sections. 1st. Rex and one metal gear

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2nd. more Metal Gears




PS. not sure if first one is a Metal Gear, popped up when googled, still nice treks.

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3rd. Shoutout and image to mod author "Arturo Pahua", he is making a DLC like mod called "Fallout 4: Citizen X". Not gonna talk about the mod due to it being in early development but I saw several robots he is trying to make and this guy's work is good reference........NO I AM NOT SAYING USE HIS WORK, ITS A REFERENCE, IF YOU WANNA MAKE HIS DESIGNS GET HIS PERMISSION!




I pray someone see's my post and takes the chalice of challenges and succeeds!


PS. not putting a picture out of fear of angering him.

Edited by doomsday0525
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