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Help with installation (OS X)


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I've been trying to install the Long War mod for awhile, with no success. I have a valid copy of EW from Steam, no other mods running ever. Playing on a 2011 iMac running OS X (version 10.11.3 if that matters). I actually have very little knowledge of how files work on the machine or using terminal commands.


Running the shell installer, I get the common "cannot find game files, please specify XEW dir location" message. If I drag the XEW directory into the terminal window the path appears, but I get "invalid directory specified." It looks like others have had this problem as well. If I instead drag in the folder that contains XEW (XCom Data), something tries to happen and I get excited, as I'm told "old backup already exists, overwrite old backup?" Which seems to me like something wants to be installed. Say yes and...


Game files: /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Library/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMData/xew/backup

Copying install files...

cp: /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Library/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMData/xew/XComData/XEW: No such file or directory

cp: /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Long War/LW-EW-Linux-OSX-v1_0/install-files/xcomgame: unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Library/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMData/xew/XComData/XEW: No such file or directory

cp: /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Library/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMData/xew/XComData/XEW/config: No such file or directory

cp: /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Long War/LW-EW-Linux-OSX-v1_0/install-files/xcomgame/config: unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2/Library/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMData/xew/XComData/XEW/config: No such file or directory

...and so on for what looks like every single game file.

It looks to me like the problem is it's looking for.../XCOMData/xew/XComData/XEW, which doesn't exist of course. No idea why these are duplicated and I'm really not sure why the process thinks it should.

And I'm really not sure what to try next. Thanks for any advice, please keep it simple-last time I tried doing stuff like this was DOS 3.2 I think, and I'm completely at sea here.

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You appear to have correctly identified the problem, in that double "XCOMData\xew" part of the path is causing the problem. And you are correct that when it is asking for "please specify XEW dir location" it really wants the folder where the XEW folder is found, i.e. "XCOMData". As for why it is doubling up that path, it has to be the "shell script".


For help with the shell script I direct your attention to the "Basic Guide to installing mods" article. That link will take you directly to the OS/X section. Please read through that entire section first. If that is not sufficient, suggest you look at the "Long War for Mac OS/X" thread which has the most extensive series of Q&As on the topic. If none of that helps, then you need to ask on the LW download page "Forums".


Please bear in mind that (last I knew) none of the LW developers have a Mac, and that version of the installer grew out of the Linux version with some feedback from some Mac users. So this really is a case of at least "the severely vision impaired leading the blind". OTOH, their track record of getting Mac users up and running is really quite good.



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Thanks Dubious. It helps to confirm that some of what I've deduced is correct. I'd already looked through the basic guide and I've looked through the other thread-some helpful stuff there though nothing really matches my situation. I do think I better understand a few things about how the pathing works now. And your last suggestion is how I ended up here. At least now I feel I've learned a little.

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You're welcome. I know from experience how helpful it is to have some confirmation you are on the right track.


The only thing left I can think of is that you are using "drag and drop" to pass the folder path to the script. I would suggest instead you copy the path to the clipboard, and then paste it to the script command line as a parameter. That will likely require you to re-read the documentation on the LW script command line parameters, but that way you will know exactly what is being passed. "Drag and drop" with scripts can get "iffy".



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  • 2 years later...

If you haven't found the answer among any of the resources listed earlier in this or the linked thread, I don't know where else to direct you. There is very little activity in this forum these days. (I monitor it daily as a result in an attempt to ensure no one goes unanswered, and can go weeks without seeing any post. OS/X users were always a small minority of the community. The EW developers were not Mac users, but did have knowledge of *nix, which is the underlying core of OS/X. Most of the OS/X information came from community members. You might have better luck inquiring among the OS/X gaming community sites.)



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