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my wish / for assassins and theifs. and vampires


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Id like a mod that adds more to poisoning. Id like to able to go into some ones house put poison on thier food and a few hours later they show up dead. or reverse pickpocket some one and give them a poison apple a few paces later they notice it and mummble hmm forgot i had that take a bite and choke death.


chop em up. dismember a corpse in small peices, and be able to play then in your inventory. for easy cropse hideing being able to dump them off a cliff or in a river a lot easyer / keep as trophys / feed to you dog.



Be able to enter buildings threw windows and clime to windows and roofs.

Black jack, a small mace/club that if used in a sneak attack knocks a Npc out but does no damage.




beter glowing eyes.

people always hate you

new spell. disguise nature ( no one knows your a vampire) wont be able to keep it up if you dont feed.

Feed off corpses. counts as a real feed.

get stronger the more you feed, not weaker. jump a bit higher run a bit faster,

new ability, glamour target npc becomes your companion for 120 secons.

Npc vamps become freindly, vampire guild based at blood throne keep.

No negative effects from the sun if you are equiped with a hood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mafia style disposing of corpses for assasin like characters? I like : p

And IMO vampirism in skyrim feels more like an annoying debuff then something fun to RP as, I like that it has weaknesses and negative effects. but it does feel the slightest that the perks you get from ti adds up to it.

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