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Skills, Skill Trees and Clothing [Mod Request]


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As it is now we do all our leather-working by burning it in a smelter and hammering it... What if we had a leather working station. I know there are some stations besides the smelter that can deal with leather however I want to go out in the wild kill an animal and make its had into a helmet or its fur a rug or cloak and such things. Maybe hollow out claws from an animal to make claws befitting a Khajit,


Indians in real life, back in the day as I don't know about today, didn't leave any remains of a killed animal, the meat was to feed only what they needed, the bones where made accessories and fur rugs and other clothing. Everywhere in the game I see the same mentality, there are countless NPC:s who use leather and some who uses tooth necklaces so why not make it a thing.


What about wood working?, we could craft our own furniture to our homes, along with the aforementioned rugs, this would be awesome.

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