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Need help with a Force Greet Package


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Hey all. I need help setting up a basic forcegreet package with an npc in diamond city. I want him to have a leaning against wall idle animation and then start a dialogue scene when the player enters the forcegreet radius.. Among one of the things I cant figure out is how to set the proper forcegreet dialogue scene once it triggers. I can make a scene but I cant select it in the forcegreet package.


Any help would be appreciated...




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Tried making a scene in my quest then attaching it to an npc within the quest via a package. But the option to select the scene never appears.

Right, but where exactly are you trying to choose the scene? Which screen/form/etc in the CK? I can't think of where you would select the scene itself except in the quest when you first start building it. Usually you are choosing the quest, pkg, dialogue topic, etc. So, since I cannot remember off the top of my head where one would choose the scene (which drop down, etc), I can't help with the question until I know exactly where you are stuck.

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