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Is there a better way to handle saved files for multiple characters?


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I got a problem, every time I make a new character, at some point in time I'm going to save over my old one. It seems inevitable, happened twice already, and I'm pretty much done with this game unless there is some way to manage save files better. I saved over a character I put about 80 hours in, and I'm pretty freaking pissed about it. It could have been avoided by Bethesda not making such a horrible UI. That couldn't happen in DAO because the saves were attached to each character, meaning you couldn't save over one of your other characters.
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When I make a new character I go to my user/documents/mygames/skyrim folder and rename the saves directory to saves charactername. Then i make a new folder called saves.


Now whenever I feel like playing another character I simply exit game, rename the saves folder to saves charactername, then rename the character's folder that I want to play to saves.


Simple, easy and it resets the game's memory usage whenever i restart the game so there is no possibility of data contamination between characters.


It also preserves the auto and quicksaves of each character.

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