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Problem to assign unique texure versions of brass knuckles and spikes


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After asking the question on the French sites of "La Confrérie des Traducteurs", Wiwiland, and "Generation Fallout" I'm telling you my problem. I need a solution.

Until it is resolved, I'm stuck in the completion of my mod.

And here I am on the verge of outright removal of everything!


I made a mod that assigns unique textures to uniques weapons (there were already about a nexus, but from the comments, it seems problematic to crash the game)...

So I resumed textures, and recovered all the original nif files, bsa archive from the game then I redo new textures via NifSkope path, then I make the reassignment of the corresponding nif in the GECK.


No problem for almost all weapons, including those of the DLC, including weapons and the most voluminous and complex (Miss-Launcher, Vengeance, Eugene, MIRV ..).

No problem for those of The Pitt (Perforator, Mauler, ManOperer, Metal Blaster, etc. ...).


However, with all that brass knuckles ("Lovetap" and "Steel Knuckles" of The Pitt), and all that is spiked fists ("Plunkett Valid Point") : I cannot see the new textures first person view !! As against the weapon integrated into the world, (the nif file ending in "worldobject") is OK.

Only when the player equips with these weapons and use them, that they appear on his fists, with the vanilla texture !


For illustrate my purpose, screenshots, it looks:



In world is ok (the top left, the brassknucles regular version, and the unique version "Plunkett". Below the "brass knuckles" classic brass-colored, and its variations unique "lovetap" and "steel knuckes "specific to The Pitt.)




By cons, this example my character is supposed to have in hand, the unique version of brass knuckles from The Pitt ("steel knuckles") or the texture that appears is the "brass knuckles" basic.


I checked I do not know how many times texturespath, location of the meshes, I also tried textures set method via the GECK (and then select in the field "1stperson"), I changed the meshes and textures of place : nothing works!

I even spent a quick archiveinvalidation (although I suspected it would be ineffective because new meshes, new textures, in different places)


Little reminder of the method used with all other weapons why this has worked very well :

I put the files concerned nif (created by copy of original nif file extracted from the BSA archive) in \Data\Meshes


Renaming of each nif file, under very specific names for easy recognition, like that happens:







New textures are associated with these files in subdirectories specific individual of the same name as the corresponding nif file, and are located in turn in \ Data \ Textures \ weapons \ hand2hand

Then re-creation of textures appropriate to texturepathes through NifSkope.

Finally repointing in the GECK (at sight "inworld" and at the object "1stperson [weapon name]" specific, newly created. Finally the new award "1stperson" field "1st person "of the weapon.)

Or if it works without any prb with all other weapons, there is with these fists that it does not work. And only for 1st person, that is when the player uses it.




- It's me, or others modders have encountered this problem with this category of weapons, fists?


- How? I do not know what to do, and I would like to quickly complete the rest of my mod.


Thank you for your help

Edited by palingenesis21
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The Knuckle Weapons work a little different than other weapons since they fit on the fingers and the hand is actually part of the nif file. They are handled like an Armor Addon. If you look at the Steel Knuckles in the GECK you will see "Armor List" that says WeaponBrassKnuckles. If you look at the WeaponBrassKnuckles Form List you will see ARMABrassKnuckles which points to the Armor Addon ARMABrassKnuckles. This is actually where the Knuckle Weapons say what nif to use for 1st Person. You just need to change this from BrassKnuckles.NIF and BrassKnucklesf.NIF to your own nif files.


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