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NV stops loading meshes


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Alright ladies and gents, take a seat as this is going to take a bit of explanation.


So rather recently I had to perform a fairly comprehensive overhaul of my computer, everything except the DVD drive and the hard drives were replaced. I say this because after attempting to play New Vegas I've run into the rather interesting annoying unholy rage-inducing bug where I approach certain locations (right out front of Chet's general store and the Prospector Saloon seems to be reliable a point to trigger it) and the game stops loading meshes, loading sounds associated with said meshes and I can't seem to enter any menus (excepting the command console).


Things I have done and/or determined:

  • Uninstalling and reinstalling hasn't fixed this.
  • It's NVSE-independent.
  • It used to be associated with an esp I used to tie together various FormID lists, but that no longer seems to be the case. (Maybe it's tied to another mod now or I'm just flat-out wrong about this? I'll have to check when it's not 2:30 AM.)
  • Hitting escape and then triggering a loading screen (going through a door) allows me to bring up the escape menu, but none of the options seem to work.


I have all DLC excepting GRA and the Courier's stash.


Any assistance in fixing this would be greatly appreciated.


And before anyone asks, the game's not pirated.

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