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pathetic downloading speeds


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i dont understand,everything that i download always goes at 10 megabytes per second,and the tool even said that i peaked at 10.8 megabytes per second

normaly stuff like 2GB mods take 5 minutes for me to download and now it took me a pathetic 30 minutes to download a skyrim graphics mod.

How the hell does this happen?i get 950kbs/second instead of my usual downloading speed. i am simultaniously downloading 3DMARK firestrike on steam and there i still got 8.5 megabytes per second..

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Could it be related to normal members having download speed capped at 1 MB/s? I think it was mentioned somewhere, could have been the download popup or such.


But then again, that raises the question of how it was that you were able to download mods that fast, assuming they were from here? It could not have been your current account, seeing how it was only made about an hour ago? Maybe you had a premium accont before, and were able to download faster with that one? Still, 1 MB/s is also quite a lot, too, especially when it is completely free of charge and someone eventually has to pay for all the traffic.


Just some thoughts, maybe someone who actually knows something can do more to enlighten you. :blush:


Edit: Found this one on the page describing all the premium membership stuff:


All the files we offer on the sites are capped at 1024 kilobytes a second (1MB/second) to ensure we can offer a stable service for everyone. We remove this cap for Premium Members so you can download files faster than 1024kb/second if your connection can handle it.
Edited by Contrathetix
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