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Custom Animations , Importing Hkx files


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Hey there!


I hope everyone is doing well. I've planning to make some mods in the near future but I'm waiting for remastered to come out before I get started for obvious reasons. However I am curious about adding custom animations into a mod. I've been fooling around with various animation mods and I know its possible to get other NPC's to do various thing when they interact with markers and furniture.


The method to do this with is with FNIS for modders, now the instructions were clear on how to import animations in the documentation, but I'm kinda confused on what a animslist is. My hkx files work fine in game so I know they could work for NPC's, but I'm not sure how I make this list or is this the proper way of adding custom markers animations ingame.



I apologize if this a dumb question, I've been getting the hang of scripting and I read somewhere that scripting is needed to make anims work and in another place packages are needed. But I know Bethseda did not release the program nessary to add out own animations which is why we have to"hack" it in with FNIS. Am I missing something?


Thanks for your time

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There are only 3 or 4 places in the CK, where you can add idle animations (vanilla or custom) to the game WITHOUT using a script. Idle markers are one of them, furniture animations the most prominent one.


To do that you need to define an "idle object" in the CK (in the Animations window). That will need an "animation event" as link to the Skyrim behavior system. And in the behaviors the animation event will trigger some animation logic, usually connected to one or more animation files.


But usually those non-scripted animation triggers are not sufficient for a game logic, so it needs a script to activate the idles you want WHEN you want it. Packages are needed for example in order to use furniture animations. But most of the time you also need a script to activate a package in a specific situation. So it all depends on what to do.


Animationlists now are the FNIS way to bring custom idle animations into the game. The main goal of the animation list is to make the link between custom animation events and custom animation files. Something (amongst other things) for which Bethesda uses the Havok Behavior Tool, a tool which we don't have access for.


I hope that wasn't too confusing. :smile:

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There are only 3 or 4 places in the CK, where you can add idle animations (vanilla or custom) to the game WITHOUT using a script. Idle markers are one of them, furniture animations the most prominent one.


To do that you need to define an "idle object" in the CK (in the Animations window). That will need an "animation event" as link to the Skyrim behavior system. And in the behaviors the animation event will trigger some animation logic, usually connected to one or more animation files.


But usually those non-scripted animation triggers are not sufficient for a game logic, so it needs a script to activate the idles you want WHEN you want it. Packages are needed for example in order to use furniture animations. But most of the time you also need a script to activate a package in a specific situation. So it all depends on what to do.


Animationlists now are the FNIS way to bring custom idle animations into the game. The main goal of the animation list is to make the link between custom animation events and custom animation files. Something (amongst other things) for which Bethesda uses the Havok Behavior Tool, a tool which we don't have access for.


I hope that wasn't too confusing. :smile:


Ah thanks for explaining that to me. That makes alot of sense, its a shame Bethesda didn't release that tool, but this is a very interesting bit of information, I will have to tackle it later then, it would be nice to have custom animations so thats's something I will do eventually then.


Thanks alot!

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