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Crash during the beginning of World Interaction


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Thats's it, basically. I can easily ran away and continue playing, because else all works fine. But i don't really want to leave mistakes behind.

Crash is always happening after message about interaction appears, so i guess they are connected. I've done my best with save cleaning using Papyrus Data transfer + scripts dyagnostic and i know that crash it's not connected with scripts. Unfortunatly, i don't have enought knoledge to figure out what's wrong using log.

I'm using latest SKSE, NMM and Skyrim. Let me know about anything extra information you need.

Acrhive with latest log and LOOT mod order attached.

Thank in advance.

Edited by Combat333
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Does the problem occur while creating a new game?


It's really hard to notice, even if it is. It's connected wirh random meeting, which i faced twice in 43 levels. I tried removing all save game instanses in Papyrus Data Transfer, but game stil crashes, so i guess problem will be in the new game.

Edited by Combat333
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