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Would Like Your Thoughts


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Hey guys and gals,


I'm reaching out to the community for some guidance on an issue of mine. Some of you may know, I'm going to create an Armor Dye mod and so far I've been writing notes and ideas. I most definitely will begin recoloring the textures before the CS is released, but ultimately the CS is needed to make it a reality.


My issue is this:

I can apply some subtle sharpening effects on my own, and in my opinion, they do look pretty darn good. However, so many of you have downloaded armor enhancement mods, such as Armor Improvement. My dye mod will be incompatible with mods that alter the same textures. I am debating whether or not I should apply a healthy sharpening effect (not overdone) myself or base my textures on popular mods already released.


Or, just use vanilla textures to base my work on?


This issue isn't exactly problematic, but I'd like to know what you guys think before I commit to doing over 3,000 textures. Hopefully, you understand that concern.

(It is projected that it may take ~40 hours to finish)


Take care,


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Looking forward to this mod. I think I would prefer you to make your own textures (with the sharpen effect) rather than use "vanilla" textures. What exactly do you mean by "or base my textures on popular mods already released.", Do you mean you would edit textures from other mods?
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