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Fist weapons?


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would be nice to add fist weapons, but seeing as hand-to-hand combat has like 5 animations only (and they all suck), it wouldn't be worth it, at least till some modder can add a few more combat styles.


Personally I'd like to see Wolverine's claws (retractable - not visible will you push R), but with current animation set, the combat would just SUCK.


Hand to hand simply needs a big overhaul:

- ability to block / deflect attack from enemies getting too close (not with bare hands ofc, kinda like with your heavy armor gloves/wrist armor) - triggered by for example shift+right mouse button

- stagger /knock back opponents (based on % chance or some combo)

- better animations (like clawing and stabbing instead of just plain boxing)


following would work just on humanoids (otherwise doing the same animation as normal power attacks, just with increased damage):

- stealthed 1hand-to-hand power attack could do no damage and knock the target unconscious for 60 seconds (shoulder pressure point) - target will wake up if it receives more than minor damage (maybe 20 dmg tolerance?)

- stealthed 2hand-to-hand power attack could hit the target to the head with fists from both sides, causing some major damage and knocking the target unconscious for 60 seconds - again target will wake up if it receives damage



However my attempts to create Logan have failed so far:

- no hairstyle is even close to his awesomeness

- beards don't fit either

- all that nordic-style armor looks ridiculous

- no claws and stupidly underpowered unarmed combat

- those nords even walk like stupid. Not to mention running animation - it looks horrible (and even worse on females)


- there are no mods that would help me make him anyway so far

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