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How to live through death animation


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so you have potions, and fast reflexes you get into a fight and your fighting and you get hurt badly

then pow, you get hit again and its a big hit, you stagger and are about to fall down dead

and evreyone knows it. lucky you you're reflexes were on fire and you opened the menu

the moment the deathblow landed.


drink a few pots.


wait.... didnt i die? nope. not dead till your body hits the floor.


drink your potions before you reload the game :P


I assure you some of the time you are not actually dead.

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I do this this too on ocassions, although not on purpose. After this has happend and you've lived through your death animation, try running around corners or walls in first person and then switch to 3rd person, you'll see that your dead body is dragging behind the camera until it reaches your current view position after which it will turn back alive. You'll also hear that weird thumping noise the same as you hear when you drag a corpse around ingame. Really weird and annoying, although saving and then loading that save will fix this problems.
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