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Some interesting observations


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Hey all.

I just wanted to post to tell you about a couple of cool things I came across during my travels.

I found an inn called the "Frostfruit" or "Fruitfrost" Inn, and when walking up to the bar I overheard a small side quest conversation between father and son.

The boy was complaining about working on the farm - and he wanted to go out and adventure! Not be stuck there.

The father replied that it was his mothers side coming out in him. He then said about needing him for "Just one more season... that's all I ask". I lol'd.

Thus begins the quest to convince the father to let the son go and join the rebellion against the Empire, haha.


It was at this Inn that I realized the benefit of sleeping in a bed! The "You wake feeling Well Rested" actually gives you a perk, increases the speed that you learn skills by 10% for 8 hours! Did not know that.

Coupled with the Thief stone, all of my stealth skills are now going up 30% faster... thought that was cool.



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