kelticfury Posted December 2, 2011 Share Posted December 2, 2011 There is nothing more annoying than enchanting and smithing up an awesome set of gear and having your stupid follower choose its crap original gear instead.I would love to see a mod that allows me to change the gear of ALL followers in the game, not just lydia (who i never use anyway). What brought this up is that I have J'zargo the khajit from the mage college as a follower and the dorkwad keeps using the crap novice gear instead of the superior gear that I have enchanted for him. Drives me batshit. Please some tessnip genius fix this for us! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elvinkun Posted December 2, 2011 Share Posted December 2, 2011 Would be nice if the followers kept the gear longer than to the first loading zone / quickload. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tair Posted December 3, 2011 Share Posted December 3, 2011 (edited) Just use the console. Open the console and click your follower. Then, type showinventory. Personally, I like to remove all of their default gear. removeitem X Y where X is the reference ID and Y is the quantity, referenced from the showinventory command. Then, give them whatever you like. If they still refuse to equip it (shouldn't happen if you strip their base gear), then use equipitem X where X is the item's ID referenced from showinventory. The follower inventory GUI is bugged, similar to the Pickpocket GUI if you have the Perfect Touch perk. If you use the above console method, you shouldn't have any problems. Edited December 3, 2011 by Tair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CapnZapp Posted February 27, 2012 Share Posted February 27, 2012 Is there a mod that changes follower default gear permanently? That is, not merely removes or switches out the follower's current gear; but actually edits the underlying hidden so-called default gear? Changing the default gear is the only way to make sure the follower never reverts to its crappy original gear, that's why I'm asking if it is possible to change/edit these values. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CapnZapp Posted March 14, 2012 Share Posted March 14, 2012 Is there a mod that changes follower default gear permanently? That is, not merely removes or switches out the follower's current gear; but actually edits the underlying hidden so-called default gear? Anyone? (a.k.a. *bump*) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProjectVRD Posted March 14, 2012 Share Posted March 14, 2012 (edited) Fixed Followers Lite will do this for you, including using enchanted bows. However I noticed they would wear a certain type of armor over an enchanted one you gave them. They will also still equip their default stuff in their inventory if you tell them go away, they won't wear it though. Here is the link: Bethesda basically did a really botched job with followers and it is a bit shocking they have done nothing to fix those issues. Edited March 14, 2012 by ProjectVRD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedynl Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 use creationkit, set inventor on none, first time you team up give her/him the gear they need, she will always use that lil note she show up naked in keep/house and only wear gear outside Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaktoastTheSandwichTopper Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 here you go Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HuldrychZX Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 (edited) I FINALLY found a solution for this brainmauling issue... actually two, you may choose which one fits you. Option 1: For this one you'll need a mod which I think everyone who enjoys having followers should have, Amazing Followers Tweaks by Dheuster. In my opinion is by far better than most of other followers mods out there as this one allows you modify pretty much everything in a friendly way, and atleast in my experience I haven't come into any bug with it: Ok, first of all you'll need to hire (of course) the follower you want to change. Once he/she is bound to your will talk to him/her and click on "Tweak Options". Go to gear and select "Unequip All". As you follower goes naked (Don't get kinky), for some reason I can't explain he/she WON'T gear his/her default gear but will stay that way. While still naked click on "Remember this outfit" and the select "Standard". Wait for it to load and once it's done it'll say that your follower will remain forever naked. After this, if you wish, you may dismiss him/her and go hire him/her again in order to verify if it worked. Once you succesfully edited his/her default gear, which is nothing (Again... don't get kinky), trade and remove all the supposed to be defaul gear (Example: Ancient Nord for Aela) from his/her inventory. After that give him/her the gear you want him/her to wear. Once it's on click on "Remember this outfit" and select "Standard". Done with that you'll follower will wear whatever you gave him/her forever and ever, even after you dismiss them, but if you wish you can always change their new default gear.(NOTE: I'm NOT sure if you can later put their original default gear active, but doing the same procedure with what they used to wear should work just fine) UPDATE: Testing with this method I realized of something. After you determine their new default outfit by enabling the standard outfit you'll get a warning stating that you shouldn't change the load order of your mods if you give them a mod gear. Now, as this might be troublesome for some people like me who constantly deletes or add mods, the solutions is simple: After you determined their new default gear with the standard option, dismiss them, fast travel somewhere else and go back. Now disable their standard outfit, dismiss, fast travel and go back. If the Nine are on your side your follower will still be wearing the gear you gave him/her. I cannont explain why this happens, problaby the mod replaces their default outfit to the new one, but of what I'm sure is that with this method your saves won't get corrupted in case you move/add/delete something. Option 2 (POSSIBLE SPOILER): Now, if you're not the mod type or you're using another follower mod that hasn't solved this problem, this is what you should do:There's a point during the main questline where you can bring followers to Delphine to join the blades. Do this with your desired follower. After that fast travel somewhere and go back. You should see your follower with either the blades armor or with combination of their default armor and the blades armor. No worries, simply hire them, take all their outfit and give them whatever you want them to use... and that should do. In case they wear back the blades armor simply trade with them, take a piece of their gear and put it back on as their wear the gear you gave them. I hope this helps because, as you might be, I was knocking my head on the keyboard due to this awful problem. Edited February 12, 2013 by HuldrychZX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firsTraveler Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 Doesn't UFO let you do this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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