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Mod Request (sword)


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Well iv bein watching this anime and I have to say that the sword this guy uses reminds me of something Adonnay would make because of the colors. Anyways i would really appreciate it if someone would be able to recreate this for oblivion; Id do it myself but im no good in making mods. Well if anyone would be graciouse enough to do this for me i have some pictures.

***The sword is of the man in white***

as for the modding i cannot do much sorry =[ but i can pull up information and find details on the idea if you need.


(this is a shortsword)




(the sheath is black with silver linning[man in the white])


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i wouldn't mind seeing some samurai 7 stuff. it would be funny to see the steam powered guy as an npc or even his sword would be cool too, as it has moving parts. in the mean time. a search on tesnexus for samurai showed some very good original creations that work for me just as well.
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Yes i can get more. the problem is finding direct shots of the people/wepaons. this anime wasnt a giant hit like naruto and those so there isnt many fan pics so theres few pictures to go off of.

On a side note though i do have a link to all the episodes in Eng Dub. think i have link to the subbed ones to. as for pictures though thatll be more difficult. if you have a msn/yahoo i can send you what iv pulled up. (dont know if im allowed to post links to other sites)

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(sorry double post)


Ok if anyone is intrested in this iv got some more information/pics/details.


(if u plan on watching these some of the information might spoil it)


~~ Information about the wielder of the sword~~

Kambei Shimada

he wisest of the seven samurai. He is the samurai who assumes the leader position and comes up with the plan(s) to defend the village. He's brave, strong, and has wisdom beyond his years that has come from the many battles he has fought in his life. However, all the battles he fought were for the losing side, and Kambei lives in the shadow of his painful and stigmatic past. He uses a stylized katana, though on several occasions, he uses two swords at once. He is probably the only character to have the kanji characters for his name revealed. He is selected by Kirara to lead the villagers against the bandits when her water crystal reacts to his passing in the city. In episode 25 it is revealed that Kirara is in love with Kambei, but he rejects her, saying that his heart withered long ago and that she will find no water there. At first Kambei disregards Katsushiro and Kikuchiyo as too inexperienced and immature to defend the village, but eventually recognizes both as full samurai and makes them the fifth and seventh, respectively. He takes on Katsushiro as his student, and in the end gives him his katana.


~~ ill re edit my post tommorrow with the pics, gotta wait to get my camera back.~~

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