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NewWeapon/Armor modifications requirement idea


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The new crafting system is cool and all, but I find it dumb(and un-immersive) how all you need is a perk to be able to create new weapon/armor parts. So, my idea is instead of having to just get the gunsmith/armorsmith/blacksmith perk to unlock new mods, you would also have to find magazines. There would be 4 magazines that "teach" you how to modify armor/guns, giving you access to rank 1/2/3/4 mods, and there would be 3 magazines for blacksmithing. The first magazine of each would be located in Sanctuary(Gunsmith magazine would be on the weapon workbench, Armorsmith magazine would be on the armor workbench, blacksmithing magazine would be in the root cellar), and the rest would be scattered throughout the Commonwealth.


I'd do this myself, but I'm not experienced with modding enough.

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