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Random CTDs in Indoor Locations


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First off, thank you if you can be of any assistance whatsoever.


So I've been a long time modder and have finally run into a problem I absolutely cannot seem to fix. I've tried scanning papyrus logs with SnakeTail, Disabling mods related to indoor cells, reordering my mods in a variety of ways, and I quite frankly don't want to reinstall all of my mods for the fifth time for this stupid games. I can't even Leave Vault 111 with a single mod other than the UFOP, and after that I crash in every indoor cell I enter. Essentially, If I spend too much time in an indoor cell (seemingly random in interval), I inevitably crash.


My Load Order is as follows:


0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 SettlementKeywords.esm
9 9 Homemaker.esm
10 a SpringCleaning.esm
11 b ArmorKeywords.esm
12 c Firelance2.5.esp
13 d BetterJunkFences.esp
14 e CutWeaponModsRestored.esp
15 f CutWeaponModsRestored-FarHarbor.esp
16 10 Weapon Mods Mod MaxCompat.esp
17 11 BlurKillerComplete.esp
18 12 DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp
19 13 FogOut.esp
20 14 BPB_Both_NR.esp
21 15 Armorsmith Extended.esp
22 16 WildHarvestables.esp
23 17 Armorsmith Automatron.esp
24 18 Armorsmith Far Harbor.esp
25 19 UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp
26 1a BossChestsHaveLegendaries.esp
27 1b Armorsmith Vault-Tec DLC.esp
28 1c FALLOUT4WT.esp
29 1d Armorsmith Nuka World.esp
30 1e CRP.esp
31 1f BetterBostonAirport.esp
32 20 BTInteriors_Project.esp
33 21 UrbanFoodExpanded.esp
34 22 Fusion Gun.esp
35 23 CrimeTown.esp
36 24 MojaveImports.esp
37 25 3Vegas_SurvivalBeverages.esp
38 26 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
39 27 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
40 28 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
41 29 TrainBar.esp
42 2a DeadAirplane.esp
43 2b Believable Drumlin Diner (no turret).esp
44 2c BetterGenerators.esp
45 2d betterpatrolman+1.esp
46 2e CarryWeight50Strength.esp
47 2f PAMAP.esp
48 30 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
49 31 Craftable Armor Size.esp
50 32 Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
51 33 Cryolator.esp
52 34 dinoshelf.esp
53 35 dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp
54 36 EnclaveX02.esp
55 37 funcweddingrings.esp
56 38 IncreasedSettlerPopulation30.esp
57 39 JustExplore.esp
58 3a MinigunDamage.esp
59 3b More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
60 3c OCDecorator.esp
61 3d OCD FarHarborDLC.esp
62 3e OCDispenser.esp
63 3f Reilly's Rangers Worn PA.esp
64 40 Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp
65 41 Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp
66 42 ShadowedSynthArmor.esp
67 43 Tesla X01.esp
68 44 th1nkEyebot.esp
69 45 th1nkEyeBot-FarHarbor.esp
70 46 Vault81Etiquette.esp
71 47 WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
72 48 GatlingRifle.esp
73 49 GatlingRifle-Commando.esp
74 4a UsableCigarettes.esp
75 4b EnclaveX02_PAMAP.esp
76 4c TeslaX01_PAMAP.esp
77 4d MoBettaScrap.esp
78 4e Wastelander's Cookbook.esp
79 4f LoreFriendlySurvivalChems.esp
80 50 Extra_Tracks_Freedom.esp
81 51 Superior Energy-Weapons.esp
82 52 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
83 53 M14.esp
84 54 K9TacticalHarness.esp
85 55 ArmoryRifleAndHandgunRacks-Vendor.esp
86 56 NukaHMinCW.esp
87 57 NukaHMScrounger.esp
88 58 Nuka World Bot Fixes.esp
89 59 VintageAlienBlaster.esp
90 5a Overboss-PA-NoChain.esp
91 5b Useful Folders.esp
92 5c NukaVimRack.esp
93 5d NukaWorldBallisticWeaveSupport.esp
94 5e NukaWorldBallisticWeavePackHelmets.esp
95 5f My_Minutemen.esp
96 60 ManufacturingExtended.esp
97 61 ManufacturingExtendedFH.esp
98 62 BridgetoSpectacleIsland.esp
99 63 PlaneWreck.esp
100 64 Lootable_Redcoat_Mannequins.esp
101 65 AtomCatGarage.esp
102 66 bbprepatch.esp
103 67 BioshockInspiredPowerArmor.esp
104 68 UFOCrashSite.esp
105 69 Conquest.esp
106 6a DOOMMerged.esp
107 6b Safehouses.esp
108 6c Rangergearnew.esp
109 6d ClassicSniper.esp
110 6e EvilViking13_PatchworkSanctuaryBridge.esp
111 6f WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp
112 70 DiamondCityAutoClose.esp
113 71 WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp
114 72 EpilogueRestored.esp
115 73 T-51C Power Armor.esp
116 74 Falcon3.esp
117 75 OWR.esp
118 76 AlternateSettlements.esp
119 77 Firelance2.5Patches.esp
120 78 StG44.esp
121 79 Northland Diggers.esp
122 7a Enclave Officer.esp
123 7b DN Music.esp
124 7c FactionMaintenance-DLCPack.esp
125 7d Enclave-Armor-Paints.esp
126 7e DLCRobotsExtra.esp
127 7f Chemist's Cookbook.esp
128 80 LeverActionExtendedAmmo.esp
129 81 MoreProductiveScavengers.esp
130 82 Scrounger DLC Fix.esp
131 83 SkipHSH.esp
132 84 LighterHandmadeRifle.esp
133 85 LucyAbernathyMelonFix.esp
134 86 SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp
135 87 ModPatch.esp (My merged patch; Same issue with or without)
I am below specs, but I literally have not had an issue before, I use ENBoost 0.291 and have a variety of performance mods that have allowed me to run the game before with even more mods without an issue.
GPU: GeForce GT 730 4GB
CPU: AMD FX-4300 Quad Core Processor |8 GB RAM|
My CPU has Two cores, but four "logical cores"
Thank You and Cheers,
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