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I need help doing a GetFactionReaction check


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I am new to modding so try to make a holotape that teleport user different locations. I have teleport function with visual effects work. What I try to do is make it so the holotape only work while the player is allied with the Institute.
Scriptname Dam_FacCheck extends ObjectReference Const

if (InstituteFaction.GetFactionReaction(GetPlayer()) == 1) ; 1 = Enemy
  Debug.Trace("Relay access has been revoked")

Faction Property InstituteFaction Auto Const



My second question is I like to teleport in 3 synth to the player or 1 small bit of ammo. Can I modify my code below that move player to do what I am asking.

;telport player
Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(Dam_Loc01) ; <-- Maybe Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtME(snyth) how do ;I do this 
Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtME(TeleportInPlayerFXExplosion) ;How do i get the effect to go ;around the synth or the ammo tellport
  ;wait for fx to play a bit

The last thing I wish for this mod is a cool down timer for using each function. I have no idea how to go about this.



I have attached my mod if you need to see how I am doing this.


Thank you for your help.



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I am new to modding so try to make a holotape that teleport user different locations. I have teleport function with visual effects work. What I try to do is make it so the holotape only work while the player is allied with the Institute.
Scriptname Dam_FacCheck extends ObjectReference Const

if (InstituteFaction.GetFactionReaction(GetPlayer()) == 1) ; 1 = Enemy
  Debug.Trace("Relay access has been revoked")

Faction Property InstituteFaction Auto Const

should be: Game.GetPlayer()

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