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ever had a finger or limb go numb for more than 12 hours?


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Lol no I am still alive. I am a bit worried about my finger, its still mobile but this sounds and is pretty much text book ulnar nerve entrapment. I did this by putting pressure on the nerve leaning on a desk for too long without realizing. So I suppose the good news is surgery is most likely not required as the nerve is not trapped between bone, or muscle tissue, it was just compressed for too long. Hopefully it will come back to normal soon.


Thanks for the help guys.


PS if it doesn't get better in a week I am going to the doctor..

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I can say now I have. Last night I was sitting at my desk as always, but I guess I pinched a nerve or cut off circulation without realizing... By the time I got off for the night my right pinky and the uppermost part of my hand were numb and they have been ever since.


Not really sure what to do. I can move it just fine, just doesn't feel right..


I had this happen one time. When I was homeless sleeping outside and had caught frostbite. It's was partial nerve death. I had to go to the hospital and they gave me steroids for it.


A week is too long to wait. If it's not better by tommorow, see a doctor.

Edited by Jeoshua
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