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A few mods to satisfy my OCD - small but mighty mods


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I don't mind admitting I am slightly OCD. So seeing my sword and arrows floating near my body really bugs me. With some swords and armour it looks fine, such as any town armour (such as stormcloack amour) and an iron sword are all attached. However my favoured steel plate armour and steel sword seem to be like trying to push one positive side of a magnet to another, and it bugs me. The arrow case is even further away.


A few things for when the tools are released - someone for the love of god fix the rabbit animation. Nuff said.

- can someone stop animals suddenly developing gills (mainly the bloody rabbits) and swimming away from my god damn arrows. I'm pretty sure most of the more err...realistic animals would veer away from water (elk, wolves, rabbits etc.)


Small changes but ones which will help me sleep better at night.

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