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Receive Nuka World "good" option perks upon bosses deaths.(warning spoilers)


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I'm surprised nobody requested this so far, or maybe i just suck at searching the forums.


I would like to know how complicated would it be to set it up in such a way when you choose to do open season and kill every raider, and shoot the gang bosses, you would receive the associated perk of that gang as a bonus.


So basically if i shoot mags and william, i get the ace operator perk the moment they drop on the floor - similar to reading a perk book out in the wild, you get the perk popup window "you now 25% damage bonus for suppressed weapons, 10% bonus on stealth while in shadows."


I shank nisha, i get Chosen Disciple


and when i cave mason's face in, i get Pack Alpha




Doing it in such a way would present the "good" option as the better choice of them all, since you would get all 3 perks instead of just 2, your settlements would be left alone in 1 piece and everyone would be happy.


it should not be very complicated from a scripting standpoint, just add some extra to the quest open season , along the lines of (if boss= dead, then addperk to player.)


Though Gage would also need to be removed from the raider faction the moment you shoot the first boss, so he does not turn red on you, and you get to keep him. I mean he's just an oportunistic bastard anyway, it would make more sense for him to side with the guy killing everybody, that he really likes, and reap all the loot and benefits, rather then go rambo against my x1 power armor and nuka launcher and get blown to pieces in 1 shot.



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