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Imperial Legion Armor


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I personally liked the Imperial Legion Soldier's armor from Oblivion. I understand that they both use .nifs, and it probably wouldn't be hard (or it may be, I have no idea, honestly, since armor now takes both Greave and Torso slots), but I want to know how to make the Imperial legion armor from Oblivion replace the Skyrim version? Whether someone could do it for me and upload it or point me in the right direction. I'm confused as to why there are two meshes for the imperial heavy armor in Skyrim, or where I can put the texture on so I can view it as if it were ingame. I'm a little rusty when it comes to editing/texturing nifs.

Also, I have no idea if there's a construction set or what people are using to edit things in-game, maybe it could just be a separate set of armor rather than a replacement.

Edited by joethevideogamer
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Bethesda has specifically said that they don't allow porting even between their own games:

Matt Grandstaff wrote:

Essentially, we let folks mod our games like Morrowind or Oblivion, but we don’t allow for folks to take content from another game and put it into a new game – even if they own both copies, and even if it's one of our own games


I dunno about the mod you listed, but if it uses resources from morrowind it should be reported.

Edited by amycus
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Bethesda has specifically said that they don't allow porting even between their own games:

Matt Grandstaff wrote:

Essentially, we let folks mod our games like Morrowind or Oblivion, but we don’t allow for folks to take content from another game and put it into a new game – even if they own both copies, and even if it's one of our own games


I dunno about the mod you listed, but if it uses resources from morrowind it should be reported.


or point me in the right direction. I'm confused as to why there are two meshes for the imperial heavy armor in Skyrim, or where I can put the texture on so I can view it as if it were ingame. I'm a little rusty when it comes to editing/texturing nifs.

Also, I have no idea if there's a construction set or what people are using to edit things in-game, maybe it could just be a separate set of armor rather than a replacement.


If its going to be insisted that its so heinously illegal, could you at least point me in the right direction or possibly answer the questions I mentioned above? I own both games. I'll make it. I wasn't specifically asking for someone to do it for me as I mentioned in my first post.

Edited by joethevideogamer
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As long as you do it yourself, and only for personal use there isn't any problem. Sorry if I came off as rude, I'm a bit tired right now.

Back to your question though, I don't think you will be able to add it as a "new" armor to the game until the CS gets out. I think I read somewhere however that a beta script for import/export of the meshes had been released for 3ds max, so you might be able to make the oblivion legion armor replace a skyrim armor set once it's finalized. Unfortunately I can't find where I read about said script anymore, but hopefully someone else can. Otherwise, start a new topic in the "mod talk" section (the request topics gets buried quite quickly while the game is still new) asking specifically for any progress on script and tools that allows exporting from 3ds max or blender to files readable by the skyrim engine.

Edited by amycus
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