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Nuka World Open Season Quest mod - Spoiler Warning


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Nuka World Open Season Quest mod

Who here thinks the options to complete the quest in Nuka World were too narrow?
Did you feel that is was excessive doing all the work, clearing the attractions of hostiles, or emptying the park of all the Raiders?

So you show up to Nuka World, enter under false pretence, you then risk your neck getting through the gauntlet, only to be set up in a fight you can't escape. Once you defeat the Overboss you are given the task of clearing out all the hostile locations throughout Nuka World to prevent civil war between the three gangs. With the exception of Porter Gage as a companion, the Raiders do not help you clear the parks, but want to take it over once it is cleared. At no point did I get the feeling that the gangs were at each other throats, besides the few back stabbie holo tapes, messages and of the cuff remarks, (Not much different to regular people in the real world), just talk *censored* but don't do much of anything beyond that.
The only thing the Raiders are willing to do is invade the Commonwealth and fight helpless Settlers.
What a pathetic bunch of lazy ass poser toss bags.

If you follow the 'Home Sweet Home' quest, one gang gets sand in its vagina and turns the others, so one third of the Raiders can be bumped of at that point, but this option only becomes available after you attack three Commonwealth settlements. Alternately you have the 'Open Season' quest option to kill the three gang leaders, as well as the hundred plus Raiders that become hostile within a mile radius, and any allocated to the park attractions if you completed 'The Grand Tour' quest.

Personally I expected that choosing which gang to back would be more important, perhaps a predictable and recycled plot, the conflict between the BOS and the Enclave in Fallout 3 comes to mind. I figured before heading to the Commonwealth, your favoured gang would have to fight the other two gangs to the death, or alternately plot with the gangs to assassinate the leaders and potentially keep the gangs from all turning hostile. Three gangs, same quest outcomes, they only seem to differ when in comes to aesthetic and recreation interests.

In the end I tired of the pathetic nature of the Raiders and opted to kill them all. The DLC seems to set you up for a much more than it can deliver, and just felt underwhelming overall.

Mod idea:
In choosing Open Season you have to choice to invade, not an necessarily an with an entire army, but at least a squad. The invasion could tie in with a friendly faction from the Commonwealth, (depending on your progress with them, main quest etc) or if you have the caps hire a group of Gunner mercenaries for the task. Once you complete the quest the squad can either return home (similar to when you complete the main quest), or stay on as security. The DLC ties in Preston Garvey into the quest choices but he alone is the only help you can get? Why can't the Minutemen send a group? Especially if you have done the quest that makes you the damn General, reminded me what the point of being a General is? Apparently running errands and building crapshacks for Settlers is what.

Thanks for reading.

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I like your idea of a mod that lets you come in with the Minutemen as a good ending, too.


Maybe as something to go along with the Free Traders idea?


Just a thought. :smile:

Interesting, that Free Trade Idea would particularly work for players that favor the charisma trait, and the more options to complete quests the better really, sums up RPGs in a nutshell.

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I would like a mod that adds a fourth raider gang to the mix. My own. Think about it - just like you can assign settlers to farming and such, it would be great to have an activator that recruits them to be in your gang, essentially moving them from the settlement to be gang memeber NPCs when you plant a flag for your gang. And this would include the flagpoles you have to activate once clearing out the zones.

A new NPC could take orders for our gang to declare open season on one of the other gangs until only our gang remains. Basically, after a few battles, whatever gang was wiped out would then never spawn again and their 'camp' (like the parlor, etc.,) would be overtaken by our troops.

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