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Perk points : a possible solution


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Hello people,


This is my first intervention in this forum and it is just to make a suggestion about perkpoints :


I read everywhere in the community that a lots of people are looking for a way to add perks without having to use the "player.addperk <variable>" command.


The problem is we do know how to add perks, we do not (yet ?) know the command to add perkpoints.


Here is a trick we can use :


The only way we know to have perkpoints is to level up.

But we are limited by the the amount of skills : whe you have 100 in all your skills, it is impossible to level up again and you are now blocked to the 81 level (and a half)

If you use the player.advlevel, you will not have any perkpoints.

The trick is just to select a skill (alteration for exemple) and to back it down to 10, using the command : "player.setav alteration 10"

Now that you did it, all you have to do is to use the command "advskill alteration 100000". It will level up alteration to 100, passing through every other levels of the skill.

Doing that, your progression in alteration will allow you to level up you character, and having a perkpoint.


You can repeat the operation untill you have enough perkpoints for you taste.



It could be use in a multiple ways. Cheating is one of them, but maybe if the fonctionality is usable in a mod, you can use it as a present in a book, or at the end of a quest, or whatever.


All you have to do is, before applying this, to keep in memory the level of the character, the magicka, the health and the stamina, and then give them back after the operation.


Exemple of the operations in a mod :


Operation 1 : keep in memory the level, the magicka, the health and the stamina and the alteration of the character. For the exemple : level 10, Magicka 100, health 200, stamina 100., alteration 15.

Operation 2 : use the trick to give the amount of perkpoint you wish to give. Let's say you give 1 perkpoint, so you will have to give 1 level to the character, so around 100 points of "advskill" in alteration.

Operation 3 : find a way to automaticaly choose the actor value the character will have while leviling up, so the final user will not have to do it himself

Operation 4 : bring back the chacater to the level she had, by using the commands : "player.setlevel 10", "player.setav magicka 100", "player.setav health 200",

"player.setav stamina 100" and "player.setav alteration 15".


Once those operations are finished, you will have the same character as before, but with one perkpoint to spend.


The operations can be used by user himself, and he could use a batch or more easily two batchs (seperating the operations 1 and 2 to operations 3 and 4).


I hope those informations will help anyone.





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