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So what are your money sinks for your extra wealth?


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I'm guessing most players are in the same boat that they start amassing a ton of gold as the game progresses. I'm up to 22k now and I'm sure that is small compared to many. I don't steal much stuff but I get 30% better prices from equip.


So what do you spend money on, once your gold starts feeling useless? I've been "trading in" my loot for high cost/low weight ingredients, Dwarven arrows, and for soul stones, which I'm not really using yet. As I get to a higher level I can imagine the gold will start funneling in at even greater rates..

Edited by Levgre
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I just sink my extra gold into, well ... gold. I thought one million sounded like a reasonable goal and am working my way towards it. The greatest obstacle for this goal being the fact that merchants have so little money, and those investment (and not to mention that Master Trader) perk takes an eternity to reach. So I just hoard stuff at my houses, waiting the day that I "retire" and can start selling all the crap I've accumulated on my adventures.


Once the CK comes out, I'll add about 40 chests in to empty room at Proudspire Manor, stack them up all nice and tidy, and finally dumb about 25000 gold into each (which seems a reasonable number of coins for one chest to hold) along with a sprinkling of jewels and jewelry and precious ingots. (haven't sold any of the one's I've found, just so I can spruce up the treasure chests) And when all that is said and done, my character can spend the rest of his days counting the coins in his treasury, like the true miser he is.

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i was collecting soulgems, arrows, ingots etc. after a while i had an overflow of such items. so i guess i've been stocking up on coins now.




i find myself thinking damn, wouldn't it be nice to be a b***ss dragonhunter in rl? why, yes... yes it would.

Edited by Invisible Man
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more recently potions, arrows have always been an expense, and ore ingots.


As you get into the higher tiers of smithing you will have to buy Deadra hearts because Deadra are harder to come by than they were in oblivion.

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