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GetDistance bug?


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I found what I believe is a bug in the way Papyrus handles the GetDistance function.


Let's say you have a RefCollectionAlias Property pointing to a Quest RefCollectionAlias filled with random ObjectReferences. If you loop through it with while grabbing each reference with GetAt and do a distance check to each on some other ObjectReference - the order matters, if you use the alias reference on the left, you'll get an impossibly huge number, while if you use it as the parameter, you'll get a correct distance.


Here's some code to show what I mean:

int i = 0

while(i < SomeRefCollection.GetCount())
 ObjectReference thisRef = SomeRefCollection.GetAt(i) as ObjectReference

 float thisRefOnLeft = thisRef.GetDistance(someOtherReference)
 float thisRefOnRight = someOtherReference.GetDistance(thisRef)
  i += 1

Even though, those should come out to the same distance, thisRefOnLeft will have a crazy large number as if the two objects are in different worldspaces, and thisRefOnRight will have a correct distance.


I still need to test this in a blank mod to confirm that this isn't just conflicts within my scripts, but I'm heading out right now, so I'll have to follow up later - thought I'd post this now in case someone can explain to me why this happens, or as a helper for anyone else who runs into the issue.

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So, this is interesting. I tried to use GetDistance() to measure the distance between an Actor and an ObjectReference and i observed the same problem.



distance = theActor.GetDifference(theObject)

sometimes work and sometimes returning ridiculous numbers.



distance = theObject.GetDistance(theActor)

seems to always return the correct distance.


Thanks a lot for the hint :-)

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