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Random CTD


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Lately I've been having random ctd's, but usually when I start a new game it's fine. I started a new game yesterday and went through the whole college of winterhold starting quests, including the Sarthaal dungeon, without a single ctd (although I save a lot just in case). Then, however, after the Fellglow Keep quest for returning the books, I seem to crash whenever I near a town. I went to Dawnstar and crashed, I went to Winterhold and crashed. I tried to fast travel to the college, but crashed instantly after the load. I havent tried with other towns, though. Usually the crashes are random, but I find these are near towns (which Ive never experienced before, in other games its always random).


I suppose I should post some system stuff here.


GeForce GTX 680

Intel® Core i5-3570k

8GB Ram

Windows 10


The game is installed at E:/steam/steamapps/downloading/72850


I use a legit version of Skyrim with all the DLCs, I also use NMM and have around 117 active plugins at the moment. (NOW, I know mods are usually causes of crashes and what not, but that really doesnt explain why sometimes I crash, and sometimes I dont... right?)

I use LOOT to make sure everything is in the correct load order. Ill make sure to add the LOOT load order thingy.


I have also enabled the papyrus log because people have advised me to do it, yet Im not really good with reading scripts, so I cannot tell whats wrong or if its in there. Ill add that as well.


I appreciate all help I can get. In the past I've had problems with mostly freezes, and not ctds, but I find the game doesnt freeze as often anymore.





*EDIT* Tried to fast travel to Whiterun and everything is fine. I can walk around, in and out of different houses and do whatever. Saved the game and tried fast travelling to Winterhold College, instant crash upon load. (Could it be a mod connected to the town? If so, thats strange I could even begind the quests there without crashing). Cant try fast travelling to other towns because I havent been there before.


*EDIT2* Walked from Whiterun to Rorikstead, including exploring land marks and caves on the way without a single crash. (note: I do have the JK's overhaul of all cities) This took about 25-30min with just adventuring around, but as I came into reach of a farm outside Rorikstead, I crashed. When I check the Papyrus log now, I see a lot of "Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate". I dont know what this means, so... Ill post the papyrus log as number 2 for you.

Edited by Bomsi12
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ok then:

Download and install SKSE if you don't have it already; Remember to run the game trough skse_loader.exe from now on.
Createa a file called skse.ini in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ write inside:
WriteMinidumps=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0
After that download and install crash fixes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725 Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747
After having installed it navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini
Modify in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 follow the instructions above this line to make it work.
Edited by Project579
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ok then:

Download and install SKSE if you don't have it already; Remember to run the game trough skse_loader.exe from now on.
Createa a file called skse.ini in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ write inside:
WriteMinidumps=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0
After that download and install crash fixes: http://www.nexusmods...yrim/mods/72725 Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747
After having installed it navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini
Modify in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 follow the instructions above this line to make it work.


Oh, forgot to mention I already have SKSE, and always run it through that. haha. I made the .ini file, but the first crash fix link you sent me is not working. Currently installing the second one, though.

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Downloaded and saved. As I was about to open Skyrim, it warned me about skse plugin preloader. Is that something I should have? Anyhow Im gonna download it.

The instructions for the pre-loader are above UseOSAllocators=1 and yes you have to download it.

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Downloaded it and tried to run Skyrim, no errors at this point. Walking around in Rorikstead and what not, its all good. So I tried fast travelling to Winterhold College (where I crashed before), and this time I didnt ctd, but I got an error. The error says: "Skyrim has crashed due to a missing NiNode. This could indicate an incompatible skeleton, make sure you: 1. Have XPMS skeleton installed. 2. Dont have another skeleton overwrite XPMS in your mod manager. 3. Have run FNIS. If this happened while you removed a clothing item, its definitely incompatible skeleton."


So, Im checking my animation mods and I DO have Feminine females, pretty combat animations, pretty female idles, realistic animation project, and also FNIS and XPMS.


Should I just.. disable the other ones? I do have a particular liking to "realistic animation project", though, but I could always live without.


EDIT: Perhaps its load order?

Edited by Bomsi12
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