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INI tweaks not reflected in-game


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Hey everyone. Just got into Skyrim about a week ago, so I've been trying to catch up with 5 years of mods and information. Going great so far, but I've encountered a slight irritant.


I'm using MO, and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to tweak my tree settings per the STEP guide. I'm trying to achieve having skinned trees much further than what it's currently set at.







These all don't seem to be reflected in-game once I change them. It looked the same with the default settings, maxed out for default number of uGrids (16896), then finally entire max value. When trying to run a static tree setup:





...both don't reflect any changes in-game, same as the settings when I'm attempting a dynamic tree setup.


However when modifying this setting:


[Terrain Manager]



...it is reflected visually in-game, no problem.


Odd thing is, the values are always correct in-game. I've checked them with "get.ini" and they're just as I've set them in the INI's.


I've tried almost everything I can think of. Every time I try new settings I make a new save, reload it; or make a new save, exit game, start game, load it. Doesn't seem to work. I've even downloaded BethINI and reset the INI's through that, and still nothing.


I'm going to include my INI files, as well as my list of mods and plugins. If there's anything else you guys need, let me know. Please help me not have to look at these ugly, disgusting unskinned toothpicks:







Thanks in advance everyone.

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Edited by chris72b9
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This mod might be the problem SFO Billboards for v2.5b. I recently reinstalled skyrim and mods using step as a template. However I only used Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic Edition v1.87 as im sure the other requires you to use another mod or something to create new lods. I could be talking out my ass but it's worth a try :D


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