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My Random Mod Ideas


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I don't really have that much time right now to actually make mods, or even continue developing my current mods, so every time I get one of those ideas that I really would love to have that specific mod I just have to sigh and forget about it.. but I actually decided to just put them here in case anyone is looking for ideas.


These are very rough plans at this moment, just something which comes to mind every time I see a cool, a bit similar mod. :smile:


Now I've been through a hefty amount of XCOM 2 mods, but there are just too many to say that I would've seen all of them, so I don't know if these already exists (which would be great) partially or completely in all cases.


Armor System:

Just to give players a little bit more choice, I think there might be use for a Light, Medium and Heavy armor variants of all current ones.

Something simple like this might work (compared to current armors, exact values would need some testing):

- Light Armor Variant: + Mobility, - Hit Points / Armor (maybe slight +AIM too to make it worth while?)

- Medium Armor Variant: Current armors.

- Heavy Armor: - Mobility, + Armor / Hitpoints (could also affect AIM negatively if there is big enough boost to HP / Armor I suppose)


I suppose to really make this mod to be cool you would have to use fitting models as well, or edit the current ones to look apart.


There is Alloyed Armor Plate Vest which is kind of similar, but it is a bit weak:



Personal Shields:

Ok now I know that here are few shield mods in game so something similar to this might actually be done already, but just in case...


This is also seriously unbalanced, I just think it makes so much sense. There are many added difficulty mods also which could balance it I suppose.


After the shield bearer research, your armors would get integrated shield system.

-Shields HP would go up with armor tier upgrades, something like 3 / 5 / 8

- Shields would regenerate one slot per turn after taking damage, unless completely depleted.

- There could be a turn or two delay after shields have depleted before they start charging again.


To add a little bit of Dune book series flare (and to boost melee I suppose), shields could only effect weapons fire, not melee attacks. You know, as they would block fast moving objects or laser but not melee strikes which are considerably slower in motion. And no, I don't think laser weapons should explode both the shooter and shield guy like in the books, although that would make it "interesting" for sure. :smile:


There is already at least utility slot variant which does something like this and a vest.


XCOM Energy Shields:



Shield Vest



Tactical Combat Mod:



There is a mod which returns the shot system called XCOM2 OG Mod, which definitely looks like an interesting project.



First off, return of the old shooting system (Aimed, snap, auto, burst) would be probably sensible with this. Aimed and Snap shot would just use one bullet, burst maybe 3-5 depending on weapon and auto maybe 5-10 depending on weapon.


These would have different ranges and damage amount, normal game shot is considered to be a burst fire:


- Aimed shot is the most accurate one and up to long ranges, could take two actions, have a massive critical boost but less than current non-critical damage. Probably should be same than current normal sniper shot for snipers?


- Snap shot is the second most accurate, up to medium ranges, one action and critical damage boost but less than current normal damage (single shot fire is a lot more accurate than auto fire).


- Burst would be considered to be the current shooting model with normal damage (on assault rifles), but receiving accuracy penalty over medium range.


- Auto would be devastating fire (with capable weapons) to a very short range, as it's accuracy would receive huge penalty over longer range.


Also, you would have limited ammo on each mission, and instead of having "one ammo type", players could have something like 3 -5 clips with them with different ammo types, so they could have different ammo types for different situations. Realistic numbers are probably too much to matter in game, so maybe just fiddle around the clip amounts and bullet amounts until it feels about right (a lot less I suspect).


You could also go as deep as having tracers in the clip as an option for automatic weapons to improve aim, but maybe also decrease defense (as they make you easier to spot).

Edited by Mythrell
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OH, forgot about the laboratories.


Laboratories can do research:


Vanilla labs pretty much suck, there's no other way around it. However, my proposal to fix them would be that while Tygan and Shen work in Shadow Chamber, Lab could do research without Tygan with a penalty of maybe -25%. This could help a bit with the mods which add research, as the game has kind of already ended when you're still doing those.


There is also a mod which does improve labs already, but in a different way:


Edited by Mythrell
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