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To everyone who doesn't like Skyrim.


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Why do you think anyone cares? If you don't like it hen...don't play it? Why must people make it public and that they don't like it? Do theyfeel some entitlement to their opinion being important?


Skyrim is a great RPG to all except those hardcore fans who feel they are the centre of all attention of TES and that if it isn't some unreasonably complicated snail-fighting game like morrowind it sucks. Hardcore fans are the laughing stock of any franchise. Look at battlefield. All the core hardcore fans are crying because it's not a true battlefield game and that's it's gone easymode. When the truth is it's something different. Same goes for Skyrim. It's different. It's not like morrowind. If you don't like it then please go back to your desert and valiantly slay some evil snails.



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People are allowed to have their opinion. After all, just as no one's forcing the people who don't like the game to play it, no one's forcing you to read the topics created by people who don't like the game.


I think some of the things people don't like about the game are interesting, because it gives rise to new mod ideas.

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Why do you think anyone cares? If you don't like it hen...don't play it? Why must people make it public and that they don't like it? Do theyfeel some entitlement to their opinion being important?


Skyrim is a great RPG to all except those hardcore fans who feel they are the centre of all attention of TES and that if it isn't some unreasonably complicated snail-fighting game like morrowind it sucks. Hardcore fans are the laughing stock of any franchise. Look at battlefield. All the core hardcore fans are crying because it's not a true battlefield game and that's it's gone easymode. When the truth is it's something different. Same goes for Skyrim. It's different. It's not like morrowind. If you don't like it then please go back to your desert and valiantly slay some evil snails.




If you grow up someday, you maybe will learn that other people have other opinions and that they have a right to state them. Just as you have the right to state your opinion in a public place but don't have the right to disallow other people to speak openly. You are not the centre of attention either.


Thank you, too, and a have a nice day.

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Forums without serious moderation will lead you to angry Trolls.


People feel a level of entitlement these days. They feel because they paid 50 bucks for a game they also purchased the right to express their opinion on the forums.


The reality is we all have the right to post on the forums what we feel, we also all reserve the right to call that poster a dumb@$$ and move along. :whistling:

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