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occasional major slowdown on loading an exterior cell


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Sometimes when I transition from an interior cell to an exterior cell, I experience major performance loss for no apparent reason. Quitting Skyrim and reloading the game always solves it. Like, a few minutes ago: 40 fps inside Shriekwind Bastion. Zone to the exterior, and all of a sudden I'm getting 10 fps. Save. Quit. Reload. Back to 40 fps.


It's not that bad of a problem, since the workaround takes all of thirty seconds and it only happens maybe 1/10th of the times I transfer from interior to exterior. Still, any ideas what is causing this and how I might fix it?

Edited by Aluminumfoil
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Sounds like the game might not be unloading previous cells from memory often enough to maintain optimum performance on your system.


You'll probably want to experiment with a purge cell buffer mod when one becomes available.


In the meantime, try pcb as a console command when you experience slow-down.

Edited by xaliqen
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