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Will my desktop be able to handle this on ultra settings?


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Current specs

Intel® Core i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, 8.0 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series,

734 MB Video RAM, Pixel Shader 5.0, Vertex Shader 5.0

Total available graphics memory: 4843 Dedicated video memory: 1024 Shared system memory: 3819


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Don't see any problem if you're using Win7 64bit which I assume you are, you may need a large address enabler if you get any crashes. Besides you can tweak the ini and adjust your settings if things are too sluggish.


Only issue as of the 1.2 update Skyrim is rather buggy at present, you may need to hold off till 1.3 which is due out in about a week to see if Bethesda resolve a lot of the problems.

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Ok thanks man. I'm a complete computer noob as I've been a console gamer my whole life. What is this large address enabler though?


Hopefully the description of this will explain it far better than I can, but put simply it allows programs to use more than the 2GB of memory typically allowed by Windows. Make sure you've clearly read it and back stuff up before you mess with it.



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