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Annoying texture flickering problem


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I'm having a problem with certain textures flickering and also some NPCs being transparent at certain distances. I followed the suggestions found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=451616


The only textures that seem to do it are the floors that are covered with straw and the streets that have cobble covered with ivy. The straw and ivy flicker off and on repeatedly depending on the angle that is being viewed. Could this be a lighting problem? Any other ideas? I have no other problems with any other games or with Skyrim in general. It's been almost 100% stable since 11/11.

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did you mess around with your skyrimprefs.ini file at all?, any mods installed?

Try disabling fxaa if you have it on.


I tried updating my drivers to the newest ATI 11.11c which supposedly fixed an issue with 6970 and corruption. that didn't fix my issue. I also deleted my skyrimprefs and skyrim.ini and forced the game to make new ones. That also didn't fix it.


I have a couple of mods but they are just texture replacements that only effect smoke and embers and faces and bodies. I tried deleting the replacement textures and that also didn't fix my problem. I am not using FXAA or any other graphics settings.

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It looks like what happens when the LOD's switch out, It is regularly seen at extreme distances though...

Hmm check to see if anything is forced on in your Catalyst Control Center, other than that I can't think of anything else.


I can't even get my CCC to open let alone change anything. I am currently using Radeon Pro as was suggested in the link I posted above. What's odd is that this morning it doesn't seem to be doing it in the same cells as where I took the screen shots. I hope it's not just doing it when my video card starts getting hot. It's also causing my frame rate to look like a slideshow.

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