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How is this guys game even alive


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yes i know but i don't like to use it because a lot of mods require skyrim unofficial patch and that one requires USLEEP but they are not compatible so its kinda messed up

Edited by Luka25565
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I'm kind of disheartened but at the same time not surprised he's getting great FPS with that setup. I remember using 2k/1k textures and an ENB with an old Gigabyte Radeon HD 5770 and getting a solid 30fps or more in some areas. Oh, and an enb. To this day I still don't know how that was possible. Only had 1GB VRAM, it was overclocked, but I still got better performance than I should have. maybe it was my CPU and RAM? Probably not, but who knows.

Right now I have a R9 380x by Gigabyte, overclocked slightly, 1k/2k textures, some 4k/8k textures, and a bunch of mods I used with my old set up, an ENB (forget what its called, it's in the dragon language) and I get I think a minimum of 30 FPS, maximum well over a hundred.


I'm assuming whatever ENB he's using, is very performance friendly. There's some great performance ENB's out there. However, I like my dark, mysterious enb. And as I'm typing this I just now figured I'd go check which one....It's Zaak Liir. It definitely adds to the tone of skyrim, how skyrim should feel. Although, it's always dark and gloomy, so I'm making small chnges to help change the mood to fit brighter situations.

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It is simple and yet time consuming is the answer. Everyone has their favorite mods that seem to be in their list of every play through those are what I call the basics. Now the trick is finding mods that work with each other while not eating all your ram and vram and/or causes CTD this is where lots of time comes into play. I my self do not need a 4k flower they are great for pictures but not a play-through. Planning works for me I decide what type of game I want and mod to suit that style of play. If you put the time in you can run a real heavy load order if your machine can take it that seems to be something people miss and of course CTD. Playable is only thing that really matters to me why have a game that CTD every 5 minutes yeah it looks great but that is to much aggravation. Stable, playable = happy gaming.. just my two cents :)

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