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Gauldur Fragment bug


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So I got the quest to put together the Gauldur Amulet, and after getting the first fragment, I realise that the second fragment is in a dungeon that I've already cleared (the one near the beginning of the 7.000 steps...)

Jolly as ever, I waltz down there, plow past some unlucky bandits and/or draugr - didn't take notice - and when I finally reach the chamber with the teleporting Draugr Overlord I pretty much knock him dead before he even realises what have happened... I now follow the quest arrow which is pretty much just pointing down in a puddle near one of the teleportation platforms... No fragment, no corpse, no nothing. So I take my leave, distressed that yet another quest has gone haywire.


Any tips? I know I could probably just conjure up a fragment on my own using the console. But with this (my main) character, I'd rather discover and complete all of the game before resorting to hax and random slaughter.

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Did you do a search?

The easiest fix is here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/495951-geirmunds-hall-missing-amulet-fragment/page__fromsearch__1



There seems to be two ways to fix this - player.additem ... BUT then the journal won't update, and you will run into more problems. Link


The easiest way is to spawn the dead body of Galdurson (where I killed him) - and then loot him as normal. The quest journal will also update if you do this, and you can complete the quest normally.



prid a5e68 <enter>

enable <enter>


Exit console. 1. Problem fixed. 2. Arrow to the knee. 3. Profit.

Edited by ZombieInfected
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Did you do a search?

no, i just accidentally stumbled on this thread. i never search. i just wait for everyone to place answers in my lap. anyway the second solution is the bendy banana. i found it right after i read this thread at the elder scrolls archive.

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