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Umbra Culling - possible fps mega fix


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So I was playing Red Orchestra 2, way before Skyrim was released obviously, but that was possibly the worst optimized game I am ever likely to play. Even though I beat it's recommended requirements by a thousand miles, I still got got incredibly poor fps.


To the point, there was a console command on there, I believe it was umbra culling, which meant only stuff you could see was loaded (or whatever you would call it). This meant a large fps boost, perhaps not when staring across the map, but when behind objects or a large building blocking your view for example. My main fps drop on Skyrim is when I look in the direction of a town such as Riverwood or Falkareth. Even if I can not see said towns, I get stutters which are incredibly annoying. This is also pretty much my only slowdown in the game. In fact, my fps was unplayable without FXAA PP injector, which I would strongly recommend to anyone having fps problems, but also because it makes the game even more beautiful than vanilla.


My question is this. Is there a command or way to use this 'umbra culling'?


Side Question (unrelated)


Could somebody help me with using FXAA PP injector with Skyrim enhanced shaders. I have followed the installation for compatibility but I just can seem to use both, only one or the other. Could somebody post a dummy's step by step tutorial for me, or a video tutorial?



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