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Terrorized Village


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I dont know much about mods so im not sure if this is possible but if it is it would be awesome to have. So I am suggesting it incase anybody else takes to the idea.


The mod would create a village in a desolute mountain region of Skyrim. It would have a decent amount of villagers, and would have an Imperial presence. Now there would be something wrong with the village, They would be horrible people who one would have no qualms with slaughtering. Or you could decide to not make them horrible people and just make the mod for the heartless slaughterers of skyrim. There would be a quest chain where if you are a Vampire or a Werewolf you can choose to terrorize the town. Various quests would require you to get in at night and kill villagers. You become the Terror of (instert village name here). Of course the vampire and werewolf quests would be slightly different.

Then after you have terrorized the village a little bit, a new change will occur. The Village would have sent for help from the nearest Jarl or from the Emperor of Tamriel himself. Then whoever they sent for would send a group of soldiers to assist, along with hunters. If you are a vampire you will get a number of vampire hunters and maybe a few priests. If you are a werewolf then it will be normal Hunters and a few specialized Werewolf hunters. There will always be the same character leading this group, known as the Leader of the Hunt. They will defend the city at night and be on the hunt during the daytime.

So with this new developement you will be forced for a couple of quests to evade the hunters, and dwindle their numbers if you so choose. Your main goal is still to strike horrible fear into the heart of the village. Then there will be a final quest where your hunters finally catch you and you must fight to the death. For this quest there are 2 possible endings. They could win and catch you rather than kill. Or you could slaughter them and get away scot-free. If they catch you then there will be an extra quest for escape and where you finally end their leader.


this village would essentially just be the Supernatural Playground, where you can enjoy your powers.


Also another thing that one could do is make it so its not just you solo. Your either fighting alongside a coven of vampires or a pack of werewolves.


This is open to changes. Its a general idea that if there are certain restrictions of the game it can adjust to and also whatever the will of whoever creates it, will adjust the mod. For example it could range from this idea to one where its vampires and werewolves fighting over the village. Its open to interpretation. I hope somebody takes to this idea and it could be created


Thank you for reading.

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Why not stormcloak presence..............

I sympathize with the stormcloaks and would rather not kill them lol.

Also the Imperials seem more heartless.

And as a last thing is the Imperials have more resources for things such

as the hunters i suggested.

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