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Vampire Grip / Telekinesis spell without the throw-effect


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Alright, so first of all this is first time I have ever made a mod request and I'm scared sh*tless, because I know that all the amazing modders around here have their own projects and lives and I don't feel I have a right to ask anything more than they have already done, from which I'm truly grateful for. But... here we go.


So what I had in mind was an alternative for Telekinesis or Vampire Grip spell. And though there are a lot of those in the internet, they all seem to follow the same pattern; they either greatly increase the throwing power of the spell or leave it as it is. And even though I love those mods, and killing baddies with cabbages is absolute blast, it's not what I kinda need at the moment.


What I would wish for was a version where you can pull NPC to you and when you let go, instead of sending them flying, they would just drop to your feet. That's... basically it. I can be considered hostile, I don't mind, it can cost mana, I can handle it, if it is a form of Vampire Grip that's fine too, I can become a vampire (although turning into a vampire lord every time I want to use it would be kinda unpractical), but if that's the way it works then it is and it's fine.


The thing that I would need in my game at the moment is to be able to control where the NPC goes after the release. I have a bunch of bandits after me? Let's pull one of them away from the group and let them taste my axe. Lydia is on my way AGAIN? I politely grab her with the spell and move her aside. I want a one specific NPC to land on the teleporter or rune I placed just for them? Pick them up and drop them on it. The list goes on and on.


And even though using a spell to send a baddie playing ping-pong around the cave is a great way to spend time, it's not so good when I try to move Lydia and accidentally send her across the Tamriel... Usually screaming "I'm sworn to carry your burdens...!" while at it.


I have spent three days straight looking for this kind of mod, looking videos and testing those I have found, but it seems that this kind of alternative has not been done. If it has been, I'm sorry, I don't know how the heck I did not find it...


Anyway, thanks for even reading this post, I appreciate it.


EDIT: I actually managed to make it myself, so this request is not valid anymore. Thanks for everyone who read it; it can now be locked or removed or... whatever it's the common practice?

Edited by Halihaisku
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