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Entity stuck under my character.


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So I was walking around in Skyrim and happened upon an Ice Wraith. After I killed it, this crazy entity that looks like a smoking Ice Wraith's head is floating under my character. It's locked in my exact position and stays facing the same direction. I didn't think too much of it when it first showed up but after going through multiple loading screens and fast traveling and even restarting the game it is still there! I even tried clearing my entire inventory. I think I've already saved my way out of going back and not killing that stupid thing. Here's some screenshots:


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6


Any thoughts? This is maddening.

Edited by mikehall
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Maybe it attached itself to you as a decal?, which patch version are you using?.

Try opening up the console with the ~ key and typing sexchange 2x...unless you fancy the bearded lady look.


Are you the Mike Hall that lives in the same wintery hellhole as me?...ah theres probably a 10,000 mike halls :D.

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Maybe it attached itself to you as a decal?, which patch version are you using?.

Try opening up the console with the ~ key and typing sexchange 2x...unless you fancy the bearded lady look.


Are you the Mike Hall that lives in the same wintery hellhole as me?...ah theres probably a 10,000 mike halls :D.


I've already tried turning the decal settings to 0 like I saw in another thread about a guy having an arrow stuck in him. I would assume I'm using the latest version. I'd expect Steam keeps it up to date. I've been scared to use any console commands because I hear it disables steam achievements, what's the deal on that?


Wintery hellhole? lol. Not quite.. no snow yet this year. Yes, there are too many Mike Halls.

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It only disables your steam achievements during the same session that you used the console command.

So just do the console commands, save, exit the game, come back and achievements will work again...tested this myself before I even knew console commands disabled achievements.

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It only disables your steam achievements during the same session that you used the console command.

So just do the console commands, save, exit the game, come back and achievements will work again...tested this myself before I even knew console commands disabled achievements.


Sexchange x2 worked! Thanks! I was getting scared there for a second.

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