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Weird scrolling problem with trackpad on PC


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I just started playing Skyrim on my PC laptop and have been trying to use the trackpad mouse to play. When I attempt to use it to "look around" it only moves about half an inch every time I move my finger totally across the trackpad... if that makes sense. This requires me to continuously move my finger over the trackpad again and again to obtain any sort of significant movement and is a major hindrance to gameplay.


I looked around in settings but there didn't seem to be any sort of apparent solution... anyone have any idea what's up?

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I assume you turned the sensitivity to the max already?, and wth are you doing playing a first person game with a trackpad.


You can try increasing your fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0400 value in your skyrimprefs.ini* file higher *should be somewhere around here - "C:\Users\*username*\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini"

You can also disable mouse acceleration in the same spot bMouseAcceleration=0 0=off 1=on

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