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Drug mod similar to fallout3


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To be specific like this mod http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761 if anybody has ever heard of it. It added about 40+ new drugs then changed all the drug visual effects so while maybe giving some kind of buff it impaired your vision maybe or something like that. Some drugs just made things a bit more colorful and were described as giving a euphoric feeling. Drinking would blur your vision but mostly just when you turned. Jet turned on bullettime like slow-mo. It was really fun wandering through the wasteland on one of my characters using various things that changed the game experience. And I'd love to recreate that in skyrim on a character i've currently been playing thats like a brawler.


Also does anybody know if theres a mod in the works that makes you sleep eat and drink? I think that'd be an awesome experience too for kinda immersion effect.

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