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A few ideas, not really mod request but I can't see myself doing t


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Skyrim is an epic game but it does have some flaws...Many of these flaws have to do with the game being unbalanced, not necessarily unbalanced play styles but the Amour and weapons seem a whole lot out of whack. Some things I believe would be able to fix this would be Dragon Plate and Dragon Scale have a 50% Shout Decrease cool down, of course these would be perks on both the Light Armour side and the Heavy Armour side respectively. I believe this would in some ways make Dragon Plate as good if not better (depending on your skills) than Daedric. If this mod was implemented on a game Glass Armour would probably have to have a higher Armour Rating than Dragon Scale just to balance out the Armour. I also believe weapons would need to be balanced out. I think making weapons from the Light Armour side (e.g Glass) would also mean they swing 35% faster than the Heavy Armour weapons. Heavy armour weapons would need to be slightly stronger to accommodate for that speed. By doing these simple changes it would even out the game system a lot more, allowing players to choose more types of armour or weapons without feeling biased towards one type.


Horses should be faster, maybe a 35% increase in sprinting speed, I also think the horses shouldn't be able to climb such steep hills. I think that there should Sabre Cats as mounts that had 45-60% less speed then the horses but can jump higher and can climb the angles that horses originally could. Another thing that could probably help with the Animals would be a perk Tree, two sides to the tree one for Horses and one for Sabre Cats. The tree would include perks like, 20% speed increase (horses), Sharp Claws (Sabre Cat, allows 5-10% increased climbing angle), Animal Lover (both, 20% more animal stamina), Heavy Hooves (40% more damage from horses) ect. This would make Sabre Cats better for battles and taking rugged roads, compared to the horses speed to bolt pass enemies and find new locations quickly. Also any houses outside of city walls (if there are any) should be upgraded with stables for your horses and Sabre Cats, that way you could own more than one horse. This mod would take a lot of time and skill but it would be a extremely common mod if done properly.


Might add some more when I think of them....

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