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where to go next?


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I have spent about 125 hours adventuring and have not continued the main quest since my breakout from Helgen. I just don't feel like keeping an eye out for unruly dragons w/a blood-lust for me just yet :unsure: . I prefer to take full advantage of the exploration aspect of the TES world and fully immerse myself in getting a feel for the land, the lore, and the people before I start making important decisions (and honestly, politics just isn't my thing! :yucky: ). I don't fast-travel as every step I take is a new adventure, and just let my nose for adventure guide me and see where it takes me. I've avoided cities and towns for the most part, being the loner I am, except for when I need to lighten my load and sell my spoils of battle. Lately I've enjoyed upgrading and making my own armor through honing my smithing skills so am finding myself in small towns a bit more frequently, and even been drawn to assist various townsfolk in locating lost items as that helps expand my knowledge of the area. It's also so easy to expand my alchemy skill by collecting the incredible plethora of ingredients everywhere I explore, from deepest darkest caverns to bone-chilling windswept mountain peaks. This world is amazing and there is so much to see.


I'm in Solitude right now and enjoying exploring the area and may buy the house there as a main base for me as my gold has added up to a considerable amount and I now have a lot of prized possessions I'd like to keep in a safe space and even display (and man are they heavy!!). I'm considering "collecting" as many of those prized dragon priest masks as I can b4 starting the main quest, got 4 of em so far might as well keep going! The only down side I can see from saving the main quest till last is not having the shouts. But I'm kinda looking forward to saving up all those dragons and then just become a dragon-hunter extra-ordinare once I'm ready to tackle them. I'll likely be 50 by then and look forward to the challenge :devil:


The main quest is just a tiny part of this vast world - live a little and get out on the roads adventuring! There is SO much to see and experience other than killing dragons.

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