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Dwemer Grappling Hook


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I dunno, I was just reminiscing about prior discussions of dwemer steam-punk guns, and my memory wandered to a weapon from FO3's Nexus; the Harpooner. Effectively it was, as the name implies, a small harpoon-launching weapon. Effectively a high-pressure crossbow if nothing else. So it got me to thinking.. why not attach a chord or a rope to one of those harpoons? And then allow you to grab hold of the rope and potentially climb it, via an animation linked to the rope. It could have all manner of uses, from scaling mountains without having to go through the agonies of scripting specific animations to each angle and groove of a cliff for climbing, plus if you're feeling particularly crazy, you could try to stick one in a dragon and have it haul you along for the ride.
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Sounds good, would have to be pretty powerful though, not damage wise, pressure wise to get through dragon hides, maybe some retractable barbs that only come out after it's hit something so it's flight path doesn't go all wonky.
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Right. I imagine it'd stick into surfaces and do some minor damage over time.. like 1~3 points of damage from the barbs every second. Perhaps when you're holding onto the rope, pressing forward will make you climb up, and pressing backwards will make you scale down, and hitting the Use key will make you let go of the rope (with options to grab hold of it again). I'm not sure if it's possible, however, to attack while in what I'm gonna call 'Rapelling Mode'.
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I had another idea for the sake of reducing the level of animations required for this to work out; attach the cable or rope to the device itself. Basically pull a Batman or a Zelda Hookshot kinda gimmick with it, in that the weapon keeps a hold onto the rope and begins to reel itself in bit by bit. Maybe there's a release mechanism, or maybe you just unlatch the weapon from the rope. At any rate, if you were reeling yourself in, that'd be useful in terms of reducing the excessive amount of animations used for the climbing.
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