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Request : a more immersive followers positioning


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Hello modders and Skyrim fans,


First thanks to modding community for creating and sharing awesome mods.


Well My idea is very simple being able to walk with yours companions in Skyrim like you will do with a pal in a street. I really think it would look totally awesome if followers are able to walk/run along with the playing character. Lots of mods aim to provide better quality textures which are great, but I think the major part that help you to get this realistic feeling when wandering across the game is the way how humans npc interact with the world (including you !).


After all those years playing oblivion and fallout3 & NV, I found that it really breaks the immersion when you turn back and see all your followers waiting in a that very straight line (and using the same standing animation ... but that is another problem ^^). it feels so artificial ... I don't know much about making mods, so I wonder if it is possible to create some scripts for npc to allow them to simply walk around you or right to your side. I really think it will make wandering in skyrim so much more immersive.


Well I can imagine, this won't be simple, for example a follower will have to match the player walking speed, find a spot without collusioning with the environment(and without preventing you to go threw that narrow passage...) . There are really a lot of details to be taken to account just to make an IA looks behaving " normal "( And yeah I know it is a full-time job for some 3D animators in a developing team) . But being able to wonder skyrim with you group, rather than having them following like lemmings, would really be life changing !

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I would enjoy this mod too, and with a function to give the orders with a dedicated button instead of having to speak with em first.


This could be of some use in combat, like having your partner waiting somewhere, climbing on a tower and then telling him where to go. Could be fun for simultaneous assault at different point^^

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