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Walk speed


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I can't believe no one else mentioned this(I looked and searched). Every time I walk I feel as if I'm in slow motion. Yeah, we have the option to run, even sprint, but it just does not seem right to do that all day long. I mean, sometimes I just feel like I want to walk around and admire the views. How hard would it be to make a mod like this? I want to feel like I'm walking...:armscrossed:
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I can't believe no one else mentioned this(I looked and searched). Every time I walk I feel as if I'm in slow motion. Yeah, we have the option to run, even sprint, but it just does not seem right to do that all day long. I mean, sometimes I just feel like I want to walk around and admire the views. How hard would it be to make a mod like this? I want to feel like I'm walking...:armscrossed:


You can change your base speed using the console, which you can open using the ~ key (or whatever key is to the left of the number strip at the top of your keyboard).

Type player.setav speedmult x where x is the number you want for your walking speed; the default is 100. You can either increase or decrease this number. Increasing it higher will result in super fast running which man ruin the reality of the game aswell as crash the game when running to fast through loading areas. I'd recommend player.setav speedmult 125.

Please keep in mind that this changes your base speed so running and sprinting will be effected aswell.


Hope this helps.

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