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Question about Skyrim: Argonian armor mods.


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Are there any Skyrim mods that adds armors that don't looks stupid on races like argonians and kahjiits? I'd like armors that didn't make it look like my tail is clipping through, or armors that didn't have helmelts that would crush my face upon equipping them.


Edit: armors that also look like they could be worn with horns, in case I decide I want horns as an argonian too, would be nice.


PS. I dunno if this is the right place to be asking this stuff, if this is seen as out of place, please direct me to where I'm supposed to go for this s#*!.

Edited by jpmonteith
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If you're asking "do such mods exist?" Then yes, this is one of the right places for such a post.

If you're asking "Can someone make one?!" Then no, that goes in requests.


There are, iirc, 2 actual armor mods, with variations for the body configs, and several different mods that do just about anything you want to Argonians heads and tails. As to how well they look, in YOUR opinion....well, ymmv.


Punching "Argonian" into the search function brought up 7 pages, with 2 armors, one mod to show horns and feathers throygh the helm, and a maid outfit, just on the first page.


Hope this helps.

Edited by dpgillam
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If you're asking "do such mods exist?" Then yes, this is one of the right places for such a post.

If you're asking "Can someone make one?!" Then no, that goes in requests.


There are, iirc, 2 actual armor mods, with variations for the body configs, and several different mods that do just about anything you want to Argonians heads and tails. As to how well they look, in YOUR opinion....well, ymmv.


Punching "Argonian" into the search function brought up 7 pages, with 2 armors, one mod to show horns and feathers throygh the helm, and a maid outfit, just on the first page.


Hope this helps.

Ok, so 2 armor mods, do these armor mods add tail holes to armors, and helmets that fit argonian heads, or do they make tribal versions of armors that best fit argonians? I'm fine with either, I could rock the tribal look, and look like a badass, while still somehow being well protected.


Edited by jpmonteith
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